Our curriculum is designed to train entrepreneurs who start their own businesses and create jobs. The curriculum stands on three pillars (programmes) namely:
- Theory and Practice of Entrepreneurship
- Inspirational Literature for Entrepreneurs
- Financial Literacy and Education
- Book-Keeping and Basic Accounting
- Branding/Marketing/Sales
- Introduction to Development Economics
- Management Studies
- The Entrepreneur and the law
- Leadership Skills
- Entrepreneurial Skills
- Ethics, Morality and Wisdom
Skills Development
- Hair Dressing and Cosmetology
- Hospitality Management /Catering
- Construction Technology
- Interior Design
- Fashion Design.
- Auto Mechanic
- Event Planning
- Agribusiness
- Languages
- Artisanship (Masonry, Electricals, Cooling Systems-AC and Refrigeration)
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
General Education
- English
- Mathematics
- Intergrated Science
- Intergrated Social Studies
We do 60 percent practical and 40 percent teaching, learning and research. Specifically, we adopt the following modes of delivery:
- Face-to-face delivery/lectures.
- Experiential learning exercises: Industrial Visitation/Internship/ Technical/ practical Experience
- Events-Workshops/Seminars/Clinics /Conferences/Promotions
- Group Discussions/Peer Teaching
- Case Study
- Students' start-ups
- Mentoring and Life Coaching
- On-line teaching/ Distance Learning
- Self-Education/ Lifelong/ Continuous Learning
- Entrepreneurship Drama Series
- Opportunity for exchange programme abroad
Formative assessments and summative assessments will be used to measure students' success in our programmes:
Formative Assessments
- Quizzes
- Projects
- Presentations
- Group Activities
Summative Assessments
- Tests
- Final Exams
- Written reports
- Essays/Papers
- End-of-class projects
We run our programme under the composite system. Even though there are three programmes, each with a head, they all run a joint programme leading to the award of a certificate in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Management (with a TVET course).
In addition we run the National TVET/COTVET/NVTI Programmes.
When someone goes through the NLETC programme the qualification he/she comes out with is the subject of this document. After reading this document the following are the facts/ information the reader will get:
- Programmes and course participants will study;
- Certificates that are awarded to participants;
- The level of study and certificates to be awarded; and
- The duration of our programme and courses.
We also believe that as an entrepreneur one must have general knowledge about the environment, in which he/she operates in and beyond. For this reason, the participants will study General Education courses.
As part of the requirements for graduation, our students are expected to register and own a start-up, and employ at least two people,
Our courses/programmes are in three categories on the basis of their duration, namely: short term, medium term and long term.
Short term Courses: They are one to five days subject(s) training workshops and seminars.
Medium term Courses: These are one to six months courses/programmes
Long term Courses: They are one, two or three years programmes, depending on the background or standard of the student
When someone goes through the NLETC programme the qualification he/she comes out with is the subject of this document. After reading this document the following are the facts/ information the reader will get:
- Programmes and course participants will study;
- Certificates that are awarded to participants;
- The level of study and certificates to be awarded; and
- The duration of our programme and courses.
We also believe that as an entrepreneur one must have general knowledge about the environment, in which he/she operates in and beyond. For this reason, the participants will study General Education courses.