Our curriculum is designed to train entrepreneurs who start their own businesses and create jobs. The curriculum stands on three pillars (programmes) namely:



  • Theory and Practice of Entrepreneurship
  • Inspirational Literature for Entrepreneurs
  • Financial Literacy and Education
  • Book-Keeping and Basic Accounting
  • Branding/Marketing/Sales
  • Introduction to Development Economics
  • Management Studies
  • The Entrepreneur and the law
  • Leadership Skills
  • Entrepreneurial Skills
  • Ethics, Morality and Wisdom

Skills Development

  • Hair Dressing and Cosmetology
  • Hospitality Management /Catering
  • Construction Technology
  • Interior Design
  • Fashion Design.
  • Auto Mechanic
  • Event Planning
  • Agribusiness
  • Languages
  • Artisanship (Masonry, Electricals, Cooling Systems-AC and Refrigeration)
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

General Education

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Intergrated Science
  • ICT
  • Intergrated Social Studies


We do 60 percent practical and 40 percent teaching, learning and research. Specifically, we adopt the following modes of delivery:

  • Face-to-face delivery/lectures.
  • Experiential learning exercises: Industrial Visitation/Internship/ Technical/ practical Experience
  • Events-Workshops/Seminars/Clinics /Conferences/Promotions
  • Group Discussions/Peer Teaching
  • Case Study
  • Students' start-ups
  • Mentoring and Life Coaching
  • On-line teaching/ Distance Learning
  • Self-Education/ Lifelong/ Continuous Learning
  • Entrepreneurship Drama Series
  • Opportunity for exchange programme abroad


Formative assessments and summative assessments will be used to measure students' success in our programmes:

Formative Assessments

  • Quizzes
  • Projects
  • Presentations
  • Group Activities

Summative Assessments

  • Tests
  • Final Exams
  • Written reports
  • Essays/Papers
  • End-of-class projects


We run our programme under the composite system. Even though there are three programmes, each with a head, they all run a joint programme leading to the award of a certificate in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Management (with a TVET course). In addition we run the National TVET/COTVET/NVTI Programmes.
When someone goes through the NLETC programme the qualification he/she comes out with is the subject of this document. After reading this document the following are the facts/ information the reader will get:

  • Programmes and course participants will study;
  • Certificates that are awarded to participants;
  • The level of study and certificates to be awarded; and
  • The duration of our programme and courses.
The focus of NLETC is Entrepreneurship. We seek to train our students/participants to become entrepreneurs- people who create their own businesses and create jobs. So, we give them entrepreneurial skills to achieve that goal. But we believe that entrepreneurship is a spirit which must be brought into reality or made physical through an activity. In other words, if somebody is an entrepreneur, he/she is an entrepreneur in something- vocation or trade. For this reason, we have chosen courses under the Skill Training programme. These are some the courses that have been developed by the Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET) – which they call /Competency Based Training programmes (CBT). Therefore, as a student of NLETC you are expected to study and major in at least one of these skills.
We also believe that as an entrepreneur one must have general knowledge about the environment, in which he/she operates in and beyond. For this reason, the participants will study General Education courses.


As part of the requirements for graduation, our students are expected to register and own a start-up, and employ at least two people,


Our courses/programmes are in three categories on the basis of their duration, namely: short term, medium term and long term.

Short term Courses: They are one to five days subject(s) training workshops and seminars.

Medium term Courses: These are one to six months courses/programmes

Long term Courses: They are one, two or three years programmes, depending on the background or standard of the student

When someone goes through the NLETC programme the qualification he/she comes out with is the subject of this document. After reading this document the following are the facts/ information the reader will get:
  • Programmes and course participants will study;
  • Certificates that are awarded to participants;
  • The level of study and certificates to be awarded; and
  • The duration of our programme and courses.
The focus of NLETC is Entrepreneurship. We seek to train our students/participants to become entrepreneurs- people who create their own businesses and create jobs. So, we give them entrepreneurial skills to achieve that goal. But we believe that entrepreneurship is a spirit which must be brought into reality or made physical through an activity. In other words, if somebody is an entrepreneur, he/she is an entrepreneur in something- vocation or trade. For this reason, we have chosen courses under the Skill Training programme. These are some the courses that have been developed by the Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET) – which they call /Competency Based Training programmes (CBT). Therefore, as a student of NLETC you are expected to study and major in at least one of these skills.
We also believe that as an entrepreneur one must have general knowledge about the environment, in which he/she operates in and beyond. For this reason, the participants will study General Education courses.