Course Overview

This is the foundation course of our programme. Given the needed attention NLETC 101 could be the turning point for participants. The course introduces students to books that are going to give them understanding, insight and discernment about the everyday issues that confront them in life; and to keep them inspired and encouraged that they can do it. It is going to give them a mental re-orientation, a new mindset and a paradigm shift. Students will get the opportunity to read classical books and those written by iconic entrepreneurs. They will appreciate the backgrounds of those icons; their lives, businesses, leadership and management styles; how they started; the challenges they had to overcome and philanthropic activities.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course students will be able to:

  • Develop a re-new mindset and make a paradigm shift;
  • Develop the need to be bold and believe in themselves that they can do it;
  • Get abreast with how businesses start, and the processes and challenges they go through;
  • Understand the business philosophies and management styles of global iconic entrepreneurs;
  • Get into the minds of great leaders and entrepreneurs;
  • Appreciate the critical role of ethics, morality integrity, virtue, good attitudes in business success; and
  • Understand/ appreciate the preparations, training needed for the entrepreneurial pursuit.


Course Overview

This course gives a conceptual clarity on the idea of entrepreneurship. Students will be introduced to research findings and Publications of scholars (eminent professors) in the field of entrepreneurship. Subsequently, students will get the opportunity to experience how the theories, principles and concepts of entrepreneurship they study apply in the real world of business and policy making in the public and private sectors of the economy. The course will also equip students with skills, competences and tools that enable them to transform ideas into economic opportunities.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course students will be able to:

  • Get a clear understanding of the theories, practices and concepts in entrepreneurship;
  • Understand the role of entrepreneurship in economic development;
  • Appreciate the factors that affect entrepreneurship development and processes;
  • Offer advice in policy formulation in matters of entrepreneurship;
  • Impart knowledge gained in the education and training of entrepreneurs;
  • Understand the processes of entrepreneurship education and training; and
  • Gain a better understanding of the business environment in which they operate.


Course Overview

Even though money is needed in all human endeavors, not much is known about money. We go to school to study everything from Archaeology to Zoology but nobody cares much about the study of money, even though the motive of all our education boils down to one thing- the search for money.
Neither the school, family nor the church teaches us about money. There is no doubt knowledge about money or financial literacy and education is shrouded in secrecy. In the end we attain all the degrees in this world but are not literate in the one thing that is fundamental to all that we do. The result is that we get into all sorts of complex challenges when it comes to issues with money. It is only the few who are able to go beyond this mystery who overcome this global money problem. It is a matter about which very little is known or understood. The course seeks to address the problem lack of knowledge about money in most societies.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course students will be able to:

  • Understand the theories and concepts of money; the critical role it plays in our lives and the need for financial literacy and education;
  • Know the nature and character of money; how to make it, protect it, and make it work for you for the rest of your life;
  • Appreciate the right and wrong ways to make money; the consequences of using the wrong way to get money as well as the responsible ways of using money;
  • Understand why some people are rich (have more money) whiles others are poor (have little or no money); and
  • Judge for themselves whether money is indeed evil and for that the love of it is the root cause of all evils or not.


Course Overview

How easily do we throw our hands in despair when faced with difficult situations? Every situation must be controlled to a fruitful end to achieve the desire goal or mitigate outcomes. Management has often been seen as a situational science. We are often confronted with situations, good or bad and we have to come out with decisions in order obtain a desired result.
To be able to manage successfully, one has to know, understand and must have experienced the situation. And there must be the presence of resources to be able to take care of the situation. What about if one does not have the knowledge, competences, skills, experience and the resources to take care of the situation? This is where the problem arises- mismanagement of the situation and the usual adverse consequences. To manage better therefore, one has to be conversant with as many connected fields of study as possible, of what is to be managed. On this basis management could also be viewed as an integration of various business, social sciences and science courses. Management thus, cuts across many disciplines of study.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course students will be able to:

  • Understand the theories and concepts of management in general and appreciate the root cause of mismanagement;
  • Appreciate what is managed? Namely- human, financial and material resources;
  • Know the preparations one has to go through in order to become an effective manager;
  • Acquire the competencies, intellectual, technical and soft skills needed for management;
  • Get an understanding of the environment/ecosystem that promotes success in management.
  • Understand management from various perspectives.
  • Develop decision making skills for effective management.


Course Overview

The second most important factor in entrepreneurship and for that matter, any business apart from the human resource is finance, money or the bottom line. To be an entrepreneur and not be conversant with the recording and tracking of the money that comes in and goes out of one’s business is to not know what he/she is in business for. It will be like a farmer who has left the gates of their animal farm ajar. An entrepreneur who does not know how to keep the gates of his income and expenditure will be at the mercy of financial predators.
An entrepreneur does not necessarily need to hold a degree(s) in Book-keeping or Accounting but she must be conversant with matters affecting the bottom line. This course therefore seeks to introduce students to basic book-keeping and accounting to help them track and manage their finances better.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course students will be able to:

  • Record in-flows and out flows i.e. (money in and out of the business);
  • Keep track of all financial transactions of the enterprise;
  • Be abreast with the financial position of the company, at any given time in order to make sound financial decisions in particular and financial management in general; and
  • Understand basic accounting principles, entries and balances.


Course Overview

Everywhere we go followers are looking for leaders to lead them. There can be no situation without leadership. Leadership and authority is very important in all human endeavors including entrepreneurship. An entrepreneur brings together human and material resources to produce goods and services. The entrepreneur must have leadership skills to be able to succeed. The question is, do people always get the right leaders to lead them? Leadership is said to be a cause and everything else, a result – (John C. Maxwell).
Leadership is supposed to lead followers to their desired destination. They are expected to take responsibilities for the needs of their followers, haven been entrusted with the resources of a nation or an institution. Leadership must therefore be well prepared, experienced and competent to be able to offer the leadership that benefits all. The purpose of leadership is first and foremost to serve followers. Leaders must show that they are with and for the people. Unfortunately, in most cases leadership is used for a different purpose. It appears leaders now come to profit from leadership instead of serving. Followers must now serve their leaders. There is a leadership crisis in most situations that must be addressed for peace and development to prevail. This course introduces students to the theory and practice of leadership and the crucial role it plays in human endeavors.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course students will be able to:

  • Get an understanding of the concept of leadership from different perspectives- traditional, religious, state, business, educational etc.;
  • Know the importance/ role/responsibilities of leadership and followers;
  • Appreciate the preparation, education, training and experience necessary for effective leadership;
  • Come to terms with leadership types, levels, style and understand leadership crisis in Africa and Ghana in particular;
  • Appreciate the skills needed for effective leadership.
  • Know the qualities of a good leader.
  • Appreciate the saying that “everything rises and falls with leadership”.


Course Overview

Knowledge of the economic environment in which an entrepreneur operates, both national and international is essential for success in any entrepreneurial pursuit. This course introduces students to Development Economics, characteristics of developing countries and the main development issues or challenges. In understanding development economics, a natural starting point is to begin by defining the concept of economics itself and the elements it is made up of. NLETC 107 has been designed to do exactly that.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course students will be able to:

  • Give a good definition of the term economics and appreciate the elements which make up the course;
  • Understand basic concepts, theories and principals of economics and how they affect entrepreneurial activities;
  • Understand the characteristics of developing countries and the factors militating against their development;
  • Appreciate the global economic dynamics and the role they play on the economies of developing countries.


Course Overview

Branding, Marketing and Sales put together forms of an important part of the production process and crucial to the entrepreneur whose main goal, it is to produce goods and services for sale in the market, both local and international. This course introduces students to the most important question of how to distinguish the entrepreneurs’ goods or services from the many of their kind on the competitive market? How do we promote goods and services in order to attract customers for sales to take place?
Producers do not just produce; they produce for sale so as to get the revenue and profit they so much desire. This course introduces students to: branding, the act of giving a company a particular design or symbol in order to advertise its products and services; marketing- the job of encouraging people to buy a company’s products or services; sales- the act of organizing and doing the selling of a company’s product or service,

Course Objectives

At the end of this course students will be able to:

  • Understand the concepts and principles of branding, marketing and sales; their relationship and the crucial role they play the production process that is how branding marketing and sales relates to the overall organizational functioning.
  • Appreciate how the successful branding and marketing of products and services boost sales and increase profits.
  • Understand the need for and importance of the departments of branding, marketing and sales and the professionals whose job is to organize those activities in a business organization.
  • Get an understanding of global issues in branding, marketing and sales.
  • Get opportunities for the practical implementation or application of the concepts covered and the development of problem-solving skills.


Course Overview

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of how some people are successful in life and enjoy blesses whiles other fail and suffer. There will be a focus on success in human endeavors, for example what one must do in order to move from poverty to great. It will also introduce students to concepts like: a balance life, spiritual/physical development, education/reading, integrity/honesty/trust, financial independence, good health, self-management and how they affect personal development.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course students will be able to:

  • Understand concepts such as development, success, failure from various dimensions;
  • Understand that success or failure in life is not by accident but choice and environmentally influenced;
  • Appreciate the factors that influence personal development or improvement, especially mindset and environment;
  • Recognize the importance of personal management in their desire to achieving success in life or personal development;
  • Appreciate their contribution to their current state of development and to make a resolution either to improve themselves or stay where they are;
  • Appreciate the need for a change of mindset, attitude and a paradigm shift; and
  • Understand not only themselves but other people and appreciate why they are where they are and you are where you find yourself.


Course Overview

If there is any human activity that depends on the interplay between the laws then one cannot go beyond business and for that matter entrepreneurship. The interplay between entrepreneurial activity and the law is so strong that that no serious business transaction can take place without the application of the law. Everything business involves an aspect of the law. The entrepreneurs must therefore be conversant with the laws affecting him and his business/organization.
This course will introduce students to a range of legal issues that impact on their business and on their duties and responsibilities as owners and managers of enterprise.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course students will be able to:

  • 1. understand legal issues confronting their business/organization;
  • 2. Identify areas of legal liability and risk and how to minimize legal risk;
  • 3. Identify the legal duties that apply to a manager and the legal liabilities that may be attracted by their actions; and
  • 4. Appreciate for example the essential information they need to keep in mind when hiring, managing, disciplining, censuring, dismissing or retrenching staff.


Course Overview

The role of language and for that matter official language cannot be overlooked in business and any successful entrepreneurial pursuit. Both local and international businesses depend largely on communication for transactions to take place. Language therefore becomes an important tool for the entrepreneur who wants to succeed in today’s global world. Official languages such as English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, etc. have become such important trade languages that the serious entrepreneur would have to master at least one or two of them.
Aside the international dimension of language in business, the entrepreneur who has oral and writing skills of an official language has the ability to become the face of his business organization. He is able to make public presentations and write good reports about his business. He also stands out as a better negotiator when it comes to signing business deals. His confidence level also goes high and this helps him greatly in his business undertakings.
NLETC 111 has been designed to equip participants with basic oral and writing skills in English and at least one other official language.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course students will be able to:

  • Master the basic oral and written skills of at least one official language
  • Communicate better in their entrepreneurial endeavors;
  • Write good reports and do good presentation about the organization;
  • Become confident negotiators and the face of their business.


  • Definition
  • Characteristics- A capitalist, right sided philosophy
  • Who is an entrepreneur? (Global entrepreneurial icons)
  • The entrepreneurial process/production process


  • Leadership skills (Governance, Business, Entrepreneurial)
  • Team building skill
  • Communication skill (written and oral)
  • Presentation skill
  • Report writing
  • Management skill (HR, Financial, Material resources risk, time, project, etc)


  • The importance or advantages of entrepreneurship
  • Attitude/Habit/Character/Mindset/Paradigms philosophy of the entrepreneur
  • Attitudes that collapse a business
  • Systems in entrepreneurship (Internal, external)
  • Science/Research/Technology/Creativity and Innovation
  • Translating an idea/dream into a reality (Business or money) Business plan
  • The theory of the cycle of a business
  • Organic state – A strong personality
    Infant stage – A strong personality
Corporate Stage – A strong corporate governance
  • Risk in Business Management (Calculated risk)
  • Asset and Liabilities
  • Borrowing/Bounds/Debts/Loans
  • The concept of money
  • Investment (Sowing a seed and reaping the fruits
  • The concept of time (its importance in sowing and reaping)
  • Skills in entrepreneurship
  • Vision/Mission/Goal and Objective
  • Organisations/ institutions and their Management
  • Organisations/ institutions and their Management
  • Management (from various perspectives/management methods)
Management (public sector) Business management (private sector) Entrepreneurial management (private sector)
  • Business idea/Opportunity recognition or problem solving
  • The start-up/the new venture development
  • Resources for the start-up and marketing
  • The concepts of branding, marketing and sales
  • Business ethics for developing a new venture
  • The business environment or ecosystem (with reference to Ghana)


  • Employer/Employee relationship
  • Stakeholder relationship – supplies, customers, society
  • Interpersonal Relation
  • Emotional Intelligence


The concept of personal improvement

  • Success
  • Growth
  • Development


The power of a changed mind

Classical Literature (Authors)
  • The Bible
  • James Allen
  • Dale Cornergie
  • Norman Vincent Pale
  • Peter F. Drucker (innovation and Entrepreneurship)
  • Jim Collins (From Good to Great etc)
  • Sun Tsu (The art of war)
  • Napoleon Hill (Think and grow rich etc)

Contemporary Literature (Authors)
  • Robert Kiyosaki (The Rich Dad series)
  • Donal Trump (The Art of the Deal/Series)
  • Brain Tracy
  • John Maxwell (Series)
  • Myles Munroe
  • Robert Green