The centre is opened to all those who want to acquire entrepreneurial and technical skills in order to start their own business or expand existing ones.


  • JHS/SHS leavers and those on vacation or awaiting to enter tertiary.
  • Undergraduate Students
  • National Service Personnel
  • NABCO Trainees
  • The Self-Employed
  • Managers and Administrators
  • Organized Groups/Associations and Unions
  • Those Preparing for Retirement
  • Apprentices and Masters
  • Out of School persons who want to acquire skills for life

Our Products

Our products (graduates) fulfil our programme objectives:

  • They are prepared for the real world
  • They start, mind their own business and create jobs
  • They are financially literate and independent
  • They are critical thinkers, ethically and morally upright
  • They are selfless servant and transformational leaders
  • They are philanthropists
  • They combine entrepreneurship with academic excellence


As a start-up educational company we charge break even or affordable fees

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Our graduates are well equipped to:

  1. Start their own businesses.
  2. Advise those who are into small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs)
  3. Become entrepreneurship tutors/ teachers.
  4. Find employment opportunities in innovative or entrepreneurship positions in a wide range of leadership and support roles- including:
- within existing large and small enterprises, and
-managing new ventures within large organisations, both in government and non-for-profit sectors.

Company History

New Life Entrepreneurship Training Centre(NLETC) is a start-up educational company established in January, 2021. It specialises in the training of entrepreneurs and skills development(TVET).
NLETC is a work in progress. We have established our administration and are in the process of securing the various approvals from the relevant agencies and regulatory bodies. That is phase I. In phase II of our work. which starts in the first quarter of 2022 we shall commence our training programmes.


Our Board of Directors consist of the following:

  • Board Chairman
  • Director
  • Financial Advisor (Member)
  • Legal Advisor (Member)
  • Administrator (Member/Secretary)
  • Programmes' Co-ordinator (Member)
  • Programmes' Representative (Member)
  • Administration Representative (Member)
  • Students' Representative (Member)
  • Industry Representative (Member)
  • COTVET/Government Representative (Member).
  • Parents Representative (Member).


We are a business minded training centre managed and administered by entrepreneurs. The director is the managing director of the centre. The administrator is the operations' manager and is assisted by four departmental heads. The core business of teaching, training, learning and research is co-ordinated by a programmes' co-ordinator under who are assistant programme co-ordinators. Fig. 1 is our organogram You are welcome to join us.